Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

About the UK M-G CAFE

About the UK M-G CAFE

About Us

Our Land-Grant Values

The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment was founded as, and remains, a land-grant institution, committed to improving the quality of life for Kentuckians. Our research, teaching and extension programs are part of a national system that maintains a statewide presence and links local, state and global issues. Agriculture, food and environmental systems are key components of Kentucky's economic future, and the college is playing a prominent role in those areas with its programs.

soybean collection
students outside building in fall


Enhancing access to educational opportunities for all.

students with plants


Expanding knowledge through innovative research.

teaching in the field


Engaging with Kentuckians to connect them to resources, research and innovative solutions.


Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772