Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

CAFE Staff Council Representatives

CAFE Staff Council Representatives

Staff Council Representatives

For the purposes of the CAFE Staff Council, the college is divided into 11 precincts. The Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability (RCARS) has one representative. The UK Research and Education Center in Princeton has one representative. Three representatives are from Kentucky cooperative Extension's professional society, Chi Epsilon Sigma, representing staff in the 120 counties and designated one precinct. 

The CAFE SC members are appointed by the Dean of CAFE or her designee. Membership will rotate among the units in each precinct. Department chairs and unit directors are consulted regarding candidates for the CAFE SC.

Terms are two years in length, based on a fiscal year from July 1-June 30. Terms will be staggered as much as feasible. Members who fill an unexpired term will serve for two years. 

Precinct 5 – Staff Council Chair

Jjim nelson headshotim Nelson

(859) 257-4150

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Plant and Soil Sciences and KTRDC.

Precinct 9 – Staff Council Vice Chair

sonny saylor headshot

Sonny Saylor

(859) 257-5582

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Cooperative Extension.

Precinct 1

Maggie Maynard headshot

Maggie Maynard

(859) 257-7143

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Regulatory Services, Philanthropy, International Programs, Center for the Environment, EFP, Dean's Office, Business Center, and Center for Student Success. 

Precinct 2


Anne DeLage

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Engineering Services, Fleet Services, Research Farms, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, and Equine Analytical Chemistry Lab.

Precinct 3 

Millie Hamilton headshot

Millie Hamilton

(859) 257-7604

Staff Council term ends June 2026. Representing Animal and Food Sciences, Community and Leadership Development, Plant Pathology, and Forestry and Natural Resources. 

Precinct 4

Kevin Horn-Pacheco headshot

Kevin Horn

(859) 257-1846

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing 4H, Ag Data Center, Agriculture Communications, Ag Programs, Dietetics and Human Nutrition, Family Sciences, Human Environmental Sciences, and Retailing and Tourism Management. 

Precinct 6


Courtney Floyd

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Entomology, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, PSD, Equine Programs, Arboretum, and Veterinary Science.

Precinct 7

Angela Fogle

Angela Fogle

(859) 257-7259

Staff Council term ends June 2026. Representing Small Business Development Center, Agricultural Economics, Food Connection, and Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. 

Precinct 8

Mary Higginbotham headshot

Mary Higginbotham

(270) 852-5581

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Family and Consumer Science Extension.

Precinct 9

Kimberly Campbell headshot

Kimberly Campbell

(606) 349-3216

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Cooperative Extension.

Precinct 9


Brittany Browning

(606) 549-1430

Staff Council term ends June 2026. Representing Cooperative Extension. 

Precinct 10

jackie allen headshot

Jackie Allen

(606) 666-2438 x291

Staff Council term ends June 2025. Representing Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability. 

Precinct 11

Vickie Belt headshot

Vickie Belt

(859) 562-1303

Staff Council term ends June 2026. Representing UK Research and Education Center in Princeton, KY. 

Staff Council Past Chair

mary hammon headshot

Mary Hammons

(859) 218-1132


Advisory Member - Internal Communications Liaison

Susan Baniak headshot

Susan Baniak

(859) 257-7221

Dean's Office Liaison


Glenda Meyer

(859) 257-4772


Dean's Office Liaison

Tim West headshot

Tim West

(859) 257-3879


Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772