Mission and History
Staff Council Mission
The MG-CAFE Staff Council advocates for staff by seeking and responding to ideas and concerns, representing staff to the MG-CAFE administration, and informing staff of college initiatives. Staff Council works to create a cohesive community, have a positive impact on staff culture, and promote the betterment of all.
Staff Council History
In January 1997, the Lexington campus chancellor charged deans, vice-chancellors, and directors with developing a formal staff advisory group. The College of Agriculture, Food and Environment's response was CASLC, College of Agriculture Staff Liaison Committee. It was formed in July 1997 by former Dean C. Oran Little to act as an advisory group to the Dean regarding staff issues. Our first meeting was on July 15, 1997.
In 2005 the committee renamed itself StaffLINKS since we provide Liaison, Information, News, Knowledge, and Service to the staff of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the School of Human Environmental Sciences.
In 2017, the committee once again renamed itself CAFE Staff Council to better communicate its role across campus.
Members of MG-CAFE Staff Council are selected by their departments or departmental units for a two-year term to provide representation for all staff within the college.
We meet quarterly in February, May, August and November. Special meetings are called to handle urgent issues. Sub-committees are formed as needed.
If you are staff of the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the School of Human Environmental Sciences and have concerns related to college or university policy or procedures, you are invited to contact any of the representatives.