Faculty Retirements
Please refer to the following instructions when preparing for a faculty member's retirement:
Regular (not Civil Service) Faculty Retirement
Civil Service Faculty Retirement
Faculty Post Retirement Appointments
Comparison of Phased Retirement and Post Retirement Appointments
- The faculty member should discuss their retirement with a retirement officer in the UK Employee Benefits office.
- The faculty member should inform their Academic Unit Leader, in writing, of the faculty member’s intent to retire, and the effective date of the retirement. The faculty member should inform the chair of intent to retire at least six months ahead of the retirement date, though it should be noted that a recommendation for retirement form and Board of Trustees action will not be created until the period of preparation for the Board of Trustees meeting closest to the retirement date. It is recommended in most cases for the retirement date to be the last day of the month.
- The Academic Unit Leader should work with their business officer to review the implications of the retirement date on the employee's pay and the unit's budget. In the case of 9-month faculty members, a retirement date other than June 30 or December 31 may result in a change in the monthly pay amount due to the calculation which defers 9-month pay across 12 months. It is best to check with Le Anne Herzog as soon as possible after receiving notice of the faculty member's intention to retire to ensure that the payroll implications of the retirement are fully accounted for.
- The Academic Unit Leader forwards the retirement letter to the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment, who shares the letter with the Dean, the M-G CAFE Business Office, UK Human Resources, and the Provost.
- The faculty member should consult with the College Grants Officers about procedures for handling any active sponsored projects for which they are responsible.
- Prior to the Board of Trustees meeting closest to the faculty member’s retirement date, a retirement officer in UK Employee Benefits creates a recommendation for retirement form and sends it to the faculty member’s academic unit. The form must be signed by the Academic Unit Leader and the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment, on behalf of the Dean, before being returned to UK Employee Benefits.
- The Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment creates a Board of Trustees action in the faculty database for the retirement and sends this action to the Provost for approval.
- The UK Employee Benefits office informs the Provost’s Office of retirements ahead of each Board of Trustees meeting, so that they may be placed on the Board of Trustees’ agenda for review.
- A few weeks prior to retirement, the unit’s HR Administrator should ensure that leave entry is up to date, verify the faculty member’s forwarding address, and recommend that the last pay stub/W2 be printed for record-keeping.
- After last accruals hit SAP, the department HR Administrator should enter any applicable leave payouts.
- Prior to the payroll deadline, the department HR Administrator should review the remuneration statement to ensure everything looks correct.
- The department should complete an Employee Exit Checklist. The faculty member should start the Lab Closure Checklist, as applicable. Records Retention Policies and Practices need to be followed.
- ITS has created a reference page on their website for individuals entering retirement to help them plan for changes in their IT resources. These changes are different for faculty emeriti (those who are tenured at the time of their retirement) and other UK retirees, and the webpage covers information for both groups. Please also see changes coming on July 1, 2025.
- All faculty members who retire after receiving tenure at the University of Kentucky are automatically considered Faculty Emeriti upon retirement. More information about emeritus status is available on the Faculty Emeriti webpage.
Civil Service Faculty Retirements
- The faculty member should discuss his or her retirement with Le Anne Herzog in the M-G CAFE Business Center.
- The faculty member should inform their Academic Unit Leader, in writing, of the faculty member’s intent to retire and the effective date of the retirement. The faculty member should inform his or her of intent to retire at least six months ahead of the retirement date. In most cases, the effective date for a Civil Service retirement should fall on the last day of a month.
- The Academic Unit Leader forwards the retirement letter to the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment who shares the letter with the Dean, UK Human Resources, and the Provost.
- The faculty member should consult with the College Grants Officers about procedures for handling any active sponsored projects for which they are responsible.
- The Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment creates a Board of Trustees action in the Faculty Database, noting the Civil Service status of the faculty member in the E01 comments box, and forwards this action to the Provost for approval.
- Approval of the retirement ends at the Provost’s level, and no recommendation for retirement form is created for civil service retirements.
- A few weeks prior to the retirement date, the department HR Administrator should ensure that leave entry is up to date, verify the faculty member’s forwarding address, and recommend that the last pay stub/W2 be printed for record-keeping.
- Prior to the last ZPAR deadline, the department HR Administrator will prepare a Separation Sheet, obtain the necessary signatures, and forward it to the M-G CAFE Business Office. Please make sure any terminal leave amounts are listed and enter “Federal Retiree” in the comments section of the form.
- After the last leave accruals hit SAP, the M-G CAFE Business Office will enter any applicable leave amounts.
- Prior to the payroll deadline, the unit HR Administrator should review the remuneration statement and ensure that everything looks correct.
- The academic unit should complete the Employee Exit Checklist. The faculty member should start the Lab Closure Checklist, as applicable. Records Retention Policies and Practices need to be followed.
- ITS has created a reference page on their website for individuals entering retirement to help them plan for changes in their IT resources. These changes are different for faculty emeriti (those who are tenured at the time of their retirement) and other UK retirees, and the webpage covers information for both groups.
- All faculty members who retire after receiving tenure at the University of Kentucky are automatically considered Faculty Emeriti upon retirement. More information about emeritus status is available on the Faculty Emeriti webpage.