Faculty Post-Retirement Appointments
Please refer to the following instructions when preparing a faculty post-retirement appointment:
- The faculty member initiates the process of retirement or is already retired.
- The Academic Unit Leader initiates a request for a post-retirement appointment by submitting the signed Post-Retirement Appointment Form to agbusinesscenter@uky.edu. Post-retirement appointments may be no more than 12 months in length though there is the opportunity to re-appoint, if needed.
- UK retirees returning to UK in a post-retirement appointment or in any other UK paid capacity may need to complete an I-9. See https://hr.uky.edu/employment/i-9-form-new-employees for information, requirements, and contact information.
- OFRPA sends a Notice of Academic Appointment and Assignment (E02) to the academic unit for signatures. The E02 must be signed by the faculty member, Academic Unit Leader, and Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment on behalf of the Dean.
- OFRPA sends both the Post-Retirement Appointment Form and E02 to the Office of Faculty Advancement for Provost and Board of Trustees approvals.
Post-retirement appointments may be renewable after one year following a Faculty Post-Retirement Performance Evaluation.
Fair Labor Standards Act Compliance and Post-Retirement
On March 8, 2017, Associate Provost G.T. Lineberry and HR Director/Compensation Debbie Carwile met with M-G CAFE Academic Unit Leaders to discuss FLSA.
The UK policy on faculty and FLSA is as follows: The only title series on which FLSA has an impact is the Research Title Series. This means that Research Title Series faculty, particularly those on phased retirement, must meet the minimum $47,476 threshold in order to remain salaried. Research Title Series faculty whose phased retirement assignments fall below $47,476 must be paid hourly. The FLSA has no impact on faculty in other title series in post-retirement positions.