MG-CAFE Staff Council
MG-CAFE Staff Council is a committee of staff from the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, and we are here for you.
MG-CAFE Staff Council Mission
The MG-CAFE Staff Council advocates for staff by seeking and responding to ideas and concerns, representing staff to the MG-CAFE administration, and informing staff of college initiatives. Staff Council works to create a cohesive community, have a positive impact on staff culture, and promote the betterment of all.
MG-CAFE Staff Council Goals
One of MG-CAFE Staff Council's goals is to improve communication on all levels – not just among staff, but also among the staff, faculty, administrators, and students of the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. We work to keep unit heads informed of policy matters and other issues affecting staff.
MG-CAFE Staff Council has been an ideal means for organizing projects of special interest and benefit to staff in the college, such as the annual Staff Appreciation Day held in the fall in conjunction with Roundup. In addition, it provides a way for staff to be informed about various campus issues, university developments, and higher education needs.
MG-CAFE Staff Council is made up of representatives from college departments and the Cooperative Extension Program districts. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas related to the staff of the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, contact your representative. A full list of current MG-CAFE Staff Council Representatives is available at the link on the left.
Upcoming Meetings
The MG-CAFE Staff Council holds quarterly meetings in August, November, February, and May.
All MG-CAFE Staff Council meetings for the 2023-2024 Academic Year will take place from 11 a.m. to noon in Barnhart 249. Off-campus representatives will be able to participate via Zoom. Agendas will be posted as they are available.
February 20
May 15
Contact Staff Council
Please use the form below to submit comments, concerns, or questions to the Staff Council: