UK M-G CAFE Crisis Communication Plan
Effective communication is essential during a crisis, both internally and externally. Internally, clear communication is vital for a successful response, while external communication can influence how the organization is perceived post-crisis.
This plan maintains the standard procedure for reporting emergencies on Martin-Gatton CAFE property promptly to the appropriate authorities and campus administrators.
The goal of this plan is to establish clear guidelines for handling a crisis and ensure that faculty and staff understand their roles.
A crisis is a significant event, natural, accidental or intended, which prompts considerable news coverage and public scrutiny and potentially could cause harm to the college’s image and/or reputation.
It is paramount that each member of the administrative team of the college reads this plan, has it available for reference during a crisis and understands their role in the plan.
Responding to Crisis
The initial response to a crisis is as follows:
- If an employee encounters a crisis event, their first priority is to ensure their own personal safety by taking necessary precautions.
- If the situation constitutes an emergency, the employee should immediately call 911.
- Once it is safe to do so, the employee should contact their supervisor. After-hours contact numbers should be visibly posted in all labs, farms, extension offices and facilities. The employee should continue calling until they reach their supervisor.
- The supervisor should contact:
- Emergency Management System Director
- UK Police
- Dean or the Associate Dean for Administration
- UK Public Relations or Ag Communications
- Other Associate Deans as appropriate
- The Dean will notify the President, Provost or other appropriate university official. At this time the situation will be evaluated to determine if a crisis response is warranted.
- An incident may require the activation of the university’s Emergency Operations Center. If the EOC is activated, a representative from Ag Communications and UKPR’s crisis communications team will be requested to participate and be present.
Initial Steps
A Crisis Response Team (CRT), as selected by Director of Agricultural Communications Services (Ag Comm) Derrick Meads, which may include:
- Dean Laura Stephenson
- Appropriate Associate Dean, Chair or Director
- Appropriate spokesperson: Jay Blanton (UKPR), Whitney Siddiqi (UKPR Crisis) or UK Police Chief Joe Monroe
- Ag Comm Director Derrick Meads
- Ag Comm crisis communications team: Chris Carney and Grace Sowards
- College Emergency Management System Director Andrea Higdon
- Subject matter expert
- Other support personnel as needed
After assessing the nature and scope of the situation, the CRT will develop a plan of action, which should include the following:
- Designate a Spokesperson: The spokesperson, often a university administrator or PR official, provides initial comments to the media. A secondary spokesperson may be selected if deeper information is needed. Ensure alignment and readiness among all spokespeople with comprehensive knowledge of the crisis. This person will be one of the people on the above list.
- Draft a Fact Sheet: Compose a fact sheet summarizing all known details of the situation, including a timeline. Ensure this information is accessible to the spokesperson and relevant administrators. Craft the fact sheet with consideration for the public's right to know and concerns regarding privacy and security, in consultation with college and university officials, in case the decision is made to release to the media and public. Once approved by all parties, work with UKPR for dissemination.
- Notify Key Stakeholders: Identify essential stakeholders who need to be informed about the crisis. Effective communication will mitigate rumors, maintain morale and uphold the university's operational continuity. Designate a member or members of the Crisis Response Team to communicate the situation's facts (as outlined in the fact sheet) and the university's intended response. Document any communications and timing.
- Monitor Social Media: A member of the Ag Comm crisis team should begin monitoring all social media channels and work with UKPR social media director Blair Conner to prep responses for DMs. If the situation is large or ongoing, prep FAQs or social media statements coordinated with UKPR. A major crisis may also require college accounts to defer to the university’s institutional accounts.
- Consider Other Communications or Events: Do any need to be paused or rescheduled given the situation? Remember though, overreaction can sometimes amplify an issue – consult the college or crisis communications team.
- Scheduled social media posts
- Email newsletters
- Events
Secondary Steps
Depending on the nature of the crisis, other decisions and actions may be necessary. These could include:
- Further Media Contact: Assess if a news conference or briefing is necessary for conveying information. The Ag Communications director will organize logistics and craft the message in coordination with UKPR.
- Social Media Management: Continue monitoring of channels and responding to necessary messages.
- Crisis Website Development: Prepare a crisis website beforehand, activated by the CRT in consultation with the Dean’s office. Agricultural Communications will manage content creation and site maintenance, ensuring alignment with UK Public Relations efforts.
- Internal Communication: Prioritize communication to internal audiences. With input from the Dean, decide the best way to inform college employees across campus and state offices about the crisis promptly and consistently.
Post Crisis
Following any crisis, appropriate action must be taken to ensure members of the community, the organization and others receive needed information and assistance to help bring closure. Possible steps include:
- Victim Assistance: Provide immediate support to affected faculty, staff and students by offering information and referral to resources. Work with the Office of the Provost, Student Success and Human Resources to coordinate or ensure the correct resources are provided.
- Listening Sessions: Depending on the crisis, leaders may organize sessions promptly after the crisis to disseminate accurate information and prevent misinformation. Consider including Q&A sessions to ensure the public's concerns are addressed. Work with appropriate offices to ensure campus leaders are aware and you have the resources necessary to facilitate a trauma-informed session, if needed – this may include the Office of the Provost, Student Success, Human Resources, Public Relations and others.
- Debriefing: Conduct internal debriefing sessions involving all stakeholders to evaluate the crisis response, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
- Media Monitoring: Document news coverage of the crisis. Afterward, evaluate the crisis management efforts using this documentation. Prepare a crisis evaluation report for the Dean.
- Evaluation and Updates: Complete a basic review quarterly for procedural changes and new risks and threats that need to be added to the plan. Calling lists and personnel will be updated and contact numbers verified. Verify with UK if their plan has undergone any updates or changes to policy. Conduct a comprehensive review annually or following an implementation of the plan.
Initial Contact Worksheet
Position | Name | Office Number (#) | After Hours Number (#) |
Dean | Laura Stephenson | 859-257-4772 | 859-771-5104 |
Assoc. Dean Research | Jamie Matthews | 859-257-3333 | 859-613-1769 |
Assoc. Dean Extension | Craig Wood | 859-257-4302 | 859-608-1014 |
Assoc. Dean Academics | Carmen Agouridis | 859-257-7203 | 859-533-4373 |
Assoc. Dean Administration | Orlando Chambers | 859-218-4974 | 859-358-5949 |
Assoc. Dean Faculty Resources | Brian Lee | 859-218-7991 | 859-537-2541 |
Chief of Staff | Tim West | 859-257-3879 | 859-797-5857 |
Ag Communications Dir. | Derrick Meads | 859-323-4761 | 502-208-2044 |
UK Public Relations | Jay Blanton | 859-257-6055 | 859-699-0041 |
Emergency Management Dir. | Andrea Higdon | 859-257-7868 | 859-619-2386 |