Faculty Emeriti
Faculty members become faculty emeriti upon their retirement as tenured faculty members and Board of Trustees approval regarding the retirement. No action is needed on the part of a retiring faculty member for emeriti status. See AR 2:1-1, p. 3, for additional information, which includes various rights and privileges of emeriti faculty.
The Association of UK Emeriti Faculty is devoted to the special needs of retirees and their spouses. Membership is open to all retired and phase-retirement faculty, their spouses or partners. For more information about the association, visit http://www.uky.edu/UKAEF/index.htm.
Please contact ITS - Technology Help Center for specific questions related to software, email, and storage resources available. UK ITS has specific requirements for the provisioning for digital data storage as well as some software applications. Please work with your Academic Unit Leader to discuss digital data storage needs as well as software needs. ITS has a form that needs to be completed by an Authorized Requestor (typically Academic Unit Leader or unit Business/HR Staff) and is available at this link.
ITS has created a reference page on their website for individuals entering retirement to help them plan for changes in their IT resources. These changes are different for faculty emeriti (those who are tenured at the time of their retirement) and other UK retirees, and the webpage covers information for both groups. Please also see the changes coming for July 1, 2025.
ITSaboutYou@uky.edu is also available to help answer questions for you as are additional resources at this link.