Appointing a New Adjunct Faculty Member at Any Rank
Adjunct appointments are covered by AR 2:8.
Before filling or creating an Adjunct Title Series position, you may consult with the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment to determine whether the Adjunct Title Series or the Part-Time Instructor series is the more appropriate position.
Adjunct appointments may be for one, two, or three years, renewable upon mutual agreement of the appointee and the department.
1. Prepare a position description for your adjunct faculty member and receive concurrence through email or a faculty vote that the faculty body of your department approves of the position description and appointment. Take a second vote on filling the position with the selected candidate and record the tallies of each vote.
2. If the adjunct appointment will be at the associate or full professor rank, an expedited dossier must be created, and each faculty member in the department must provide a written statement of their opinion on the appointment. Appointments at the assistant professor, lecturer, or instructor rank only require a vote, the tally of which should be recorded in the Chair's letter to the Dean recommending the appointment.
3. Draft an email to the Dean requesting permission to create an adjunct position and fill it with your candidate. CC the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment. Attach the position description and a draft offer letter. Include a statement indicating that the faculty has approved the position description and appointment with the exact totals of each vote. Typically, CAFE adjunct positions are not paid positions. If the intention is for the position to be paid, include an explanation of a funding source in your memo to the Dean.
4. Once the Dean has given email permission to fill the position, the department chair writes an offer letter to the candidate. The Department Chair sends The Dean and Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment review the draft offer letter. Review this offer letter template.
5. After the signed offer letter has been received by the chair, complete the New Faculty Demographic Worksheet. Note: Adjuncts should be entered in to IRIS/SAP for fuller access to university resources and more accurate faculty reporting. This SAP entry is normally done through the academic unit.
6. Request the following credentials from the candidate to attach to the New Faculty Demographic Worksheet.
- Original, official transcript of highest degree. Additional transcripts are required if the candidate’s highest degree is not in the same discipline as the hiring department, or if the candidate has more than one terminal degree.
- Career CV.
- Any additional information needed for the New Faculty Demographic Worksheet.
7. Compile the Appointment Packet and submit it to the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment. The completed appointment packet should include:
- Copy of email from the Dean indicating approval of the request to create and fill the position
- Position description
- Career CV
- Original, official transcript(s)
- Signed offer letter
- For adjuncts being hired at the Associate or Professor rank, a letter of recommendation from the Department Chair to the Dean is also required.
Submit the appointment packet to the Office of Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment at Original paper transcripts may be sent to the Office of Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment in N3 Agriculture Science North.
8. The Office of Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment will respond with an Academic Appointment Form, a Teaching Credentials Form, and Teaching Credential Justification form (if SACSCOC requirements have not been met), attached to email. Obtain signatures and return to the Office of Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment, attached to email.
Electronic signatures are acceptable on all documents.