Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Pushing the Pathways Towards Global Success, 2018 Hopkinsville Youth Summit

Pushing the Pathways Towards Global Success, 2018 Hopkinsville Youth Summit

Year: 2018
Project Leader: Kendriana Price and Ruth Lynch
Department/Program: Christian County 4-H Youth Development
Funding: $500

As the signature youth program for the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the 4-H Youth Development Program in Christian County will be partnering with local academic institutions to expose all undeserved high school juniors and seniors, regardless of age, ethnicity, disability, race and socioeconomic status, to opportunities in higher education and career paths, both traditional and non-traditional. The vision for program implementation is to strengthen the high school to higher education pipeline, and expose youth to opportunities that will assist in their successful futures.

Not only will this program take special interest in youth who are average performers, but focus will also be placed on the adults surrounding those youth as to create a foundation necessary in launching a teen into the lifestyle of a successful young adult. A summit will be held (inclusive of both adult & teen sessions, college & career fair, guest speakers and presenters), to expose, excite and equip our audience for life as after graduation.

Contact Information

Dr. Nancy Cox, Ph.D.

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772