Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Wildlife Acoustics for Forestry Educational Programming

Wildlife Acoustics for Forestry Educational Programming

Year: 2017
Project Leader: Laurie Thomas and Billy Thomas
Department/Program: Department of Forestry
Funding: $1,000

The Barnhart Challenge grant will be used to purchase the latest technology initially for two of theDepartment of Forestry’s educational programs with the potential for ongoing use in other programs. Thefirst program is the Kentucky Forest Leadership Program which has a 50 year tradition of success for highschool students. The program's hands-on approach to learning where the students "learn how to think notwhat to think” has been instrumental to its success. Over the course of a week students are taught forestryand natural resources subjects in an integrated hands-on process so that at week's end they have learnedwhat information or data is needed and how to collect it to create a forest management plan for anassigned piece of property. The program typically accommodates 25 to 30 students per year from aroundKentucky. The program directors determined that a wildlife module needed to be included based on paststudents evaluations. Adding the wildlife module also reflects the addition of the Wildlife Forester degreeoption for students in the Department of Forestry. The second program is the Kentucky Master WoodlandStewards Program which begins its second year in 2016. The goal of this Program is to cultivate a group ofpeople who: embrace woodland stewardship, want to learn more about sustainable woodlandmanagement, and are willing to share what they learn with others. The program teaches woodlandmanagement practices and leadership skills and in return, participants will apply these principles toproperty they own or manage and actively encourage others to practice good woodland management. Lastyear 24 individuals participated in this intensive three day field program at the University’s Robison Forest.

Contact Information

Dr. Nancy Cox, Ph.D.

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772